Why Dogs Shed & How to Reduce it

Shedding can be frustrating for all dog owners, no matter how much we love our dogs. All dogs shed to some degree, with the exception of completely hairless dogs. Commonly, there are three types of shedding; year-round, seasonal and health.

Year-Round Shedding

All animals with hair shed on a regular bases, therefore causing year-round shedding. Most shedding is the loss of the undercoat, with some regular loss of fur. Normal shedding will occur year round, and will be visible on your clothes, sofa, and around the house.
Dogs such as Poodles and Yorkshire Terriers, with continuously growing hair, have hair shafts with longer life spans and shed very little. Whereas dogs like Labradors and Huskies have a shorter hair shaft life span and more abundant undercoats, resulting in greater shedding year-round.

Seasonal Shedding

Seasonal shedding occurs with some breeds, usually in the spring, but may also happen in autumn. Seasonal shedding occurs evenly across the whole body, and will happen every year on a cycle. This process is sometimes called "blowing coat." When the weather warms, dogs shed their old winter undercoats to make way for a lighter summer coat. This type of shedding is typical among cold weather breeds like Huskies.


Your dog`s health may also affect shedding rate, so it is important to take note of unexplained excessive shedding. Skin problems, endocrine diseases, nutritional or vitamin deficiencies, and other metabolic disorders can cause hair loss or change the rate of hair growth. Any noticeable differences in your pets shedding rate is a good sign to contact your local veterinarian.

How to Control Shedding

Excess shedding can be difficult to manage as pet hair tends to clings to furniture and upholstery around the house. As a dog owner, you have probably come to terms with the fact that regular housecleaning is the norm, especially during shedding season. 

Routine grooming is a great way to manage your dogs yearly and seasonal shedding, along with more frequent baths during the summer months. Using dog shampoo will help you rinse off the dead hair from your pets body, which will significantly reduce the number of hair floating around the house. Furthermore, keeping onto of cleaning will prevent the hair from embedding itself into furniture and upholstery; ultimately making it easier to manage and clean.