Sleeping with Dogs Promotes Better Sleep

Does your furry companion sleep at your feet? On the floor in their bed? Or do they enjoy sleeping outside in the fresh air each night?

Have you ever thought about where your dog sleeps may be beneficial to you and your health?
In fact, there are benefits associated with where your dog is sleeping while you are.

According to a new US study, sleeping with dogs promotes better sleep.


dog yawning

Its no secret that Americans- just like Australians- love their dogs. According to the American Veterinary Association, more that 40 million American household have dogs, with 63 percent of these households considering their furry friend as family.

Although considered as a member of the family, most owners dont allow their dog to sleep with them from the fear of sacrificing a quality sleep.

The study conducted said that most people assume that having their pet in the bedroom will be disrupting throughout the night. However, still many said that they find comfort and a sense of security from sleeping with their pets.

The study evaluated the sleep of 40 healthy adults without sleep disorders and their dogs over a 5-month period. Participants and their dogs were made to wear activity trackers each night to track their sleeping habits.

The study found that most people slept much better with their dog in their bedroom. However, the study also showed that dogs are better off sleeping just in your room and not under the covers. Some of the people who snuggled up to their pooch in their bed sacrificed quality sleep.

Many pet owners of today are unable to see their pets throughout the day, therefore having them in the bedroom with them is a way of making up this time and keeping a good relationship. Having your dog or cat sleep in your bedroom or for some on the bed can be a great source of comfort for you and should be a continuing routine as it can be a great benefit for you and your pet.

Source: Vet Practice Magazine