
Barking, in addition to whining, howling, and growling, is a dog's natural way of communicating. It can be characterized as a series of short, sharp sounds that tend to vary little in pitch. Barking being a natural trait is not considered a problem until it becomes excessive.

These six causes should help you understand why your dog may be a frequent barker:

1. Attention

If you find your dog barking for attention, you're not alone. Attention can be one of the biggest reasons why your dog has decided to become a barking extraordinaire.

This idea of attention barking is often seen as a cause and effect chain. "If I do this, I get that" is how your dog may think of it. You have to remember that negative attention is still attention.

2. Boredom

Dogs are active animals that need both physical and mental stimulation; some working breeds need it more than others. Dogs need to be motivated to run/play with toys, they won't do it on their own for extended periods of time.

3. Fear

Almost all dogs are afraid of something, whether it is the postman or the neighbour's cat. Animals have three biological mechanisms to deal with threats: Fight, Flight, Freeze. A majority of dogs don't like to fight however if they feel trapped, like on a lead, they will go into fight mode and start barking.

4. Territorial

Excessive barking may be in response to people, other dogs or other animals within or approaching their territory. Dogs can be territorial because they are more often than not bred to protect, however at times it may be an issue of training or learned behaviour.

5. Excitement

Dogs, much like people, tend to verbalise their emotions of excitement a lot. Excited barking can often be caused when coming in contact with other dogs, especially if the dog has limited opportunity to play with or see other dogs.

6. Underlying Health Issues

Less common but still an issue, dogs can find themselves barking excessively if they are in pain or discomfort. If a dog is faced with a health issue the only way for them to communicate is through barking.

Hopefully, these explanations help you pinpoint the real reason your pup may be barking all the time!